/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Terrain wetness indices derived from LiDAR to inform soil moisture and corrosion potential for underground infrastructure /manager/Repository/uon:42755 35%). Good correlations were obtained (R values 0.49–0.93, all with p value < 0.05). Higher R values were found for wetter conditions (above ~20%). The wetness indices were also found to relate to pipe-wall maximum pitting corrosion rates (mm/yr) when soil classifications were taken into account, with separate trends for clay, silty clay, sandy clay and sand. Some outliers were detected. These were all associated with pipes for which there is evidence of poor workmanship or quality during installation. In total, 25 catchments from inner city to coastal and lakeside suburbs as well as semi-rural regions were assessed. Results show the potential for terrain indices to indicate relative soil wetness in urban areas and thus potential for pipe failure. This is the first study of its kind. This also may assist water authorities to improve life prediction, management and replacement schedules for water supply pipelines and other underground assets.]]> Wed 28 Sep 2022 14:04:18 AEST ]]> Monitoring irrigation using landsat observations and climate data over regional scales in the Murray-Darling Basin /manager/Repository/uon:40177 Kc) based on multiple published relationships. These are combined through the FAO56 methodology using gridded rainfall and two reference evapotranspiration (ETo) products to find actual evapotranspiration as AET = ETo x Kc, providing six ETo-Kc combinations. Results indicate this study method can effectively assess irrigation water use over a range of catchment sizes from ~6000 to ~600,000 ha, although issues arise when regions have a designated low allocation volume for that season (less than40%). Comparisons with the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) and Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) show that the proposed method is robust to the rapid onset and short-term droughts, However, its performance was poor during the long term droughts with low water allocation years. The study results during these years has been predominately attributed to water stress in certain crops being undetected, agricultural managers skipping annual crop commodities as well as stock and domestic water use making up larger portions of total water use. This is a limitation of this approach, although when only comparing results in years with greater than 40% allocations, the results improved significantly showing it can monitor water use effectively. When adequate water is available, this approach is able to accurately predict irrigation water use for the sites examined.]]> Wed 28 Feb 2024 14:57:23 AEDT ]]> Root zone soil moisture profile retrieval using combined L-Band and P-Band radiometry /manager/Repository/uon:52734 3/m3) when a second-order polynomial function was considered as the representative of the soil moisture profile.]]> Wed 28 Feb 2024 14:45:49 AEDT ]]> A Random Forest-Based Multi-Index Classification (RaFMIC) Approach to Mapping Three-Decadal Inundation Dynamics in Dryland Wetlands Using Google Earth Engine /manager/Repository/uon:50427 Wed 28 Aug 2024 15:37:01 AEST ]]> The effects of SILO & AWRA wind speeds on irrigation depth simulations /manager/Repository/uon:45920 Wed 22 Mar 2023 17:37:52 AEDT ]]> The Application of CYGNSS Data for Soil Moisture and Inundation Mapping in Australia /manager/Repository/uon:39771 Wed 22 Jun 2022 11:58:11 AEST ]]> Improving the resolution of GRACE-based water storage estimates based on machine learning downscaling schemes /manager/Repository/uon:52612 Wed 18 Oct 2023 13:45:25 AEDT ]]> Impacts of watershed characteristics and crop rotations on winter cover crop nitrate-nitrogen uptake capacity within agricultural watersheds in the Chesapeake Bay region /manager/Repository/uon:26002 -1 delivered to streams and ~10.1 kg N·ha-1 leached into groundwater compared to poorly-drained soils. Well-drained agricultural lands had higher transport of NO₃-N in the soil profile and groundwater due to increased N leaching. Poorly-drained agricultural lands had lower NO₃-N due to extensive drainage ditches and anaerobic soil conditions promoting denitrification. The performance of WCCs varied by crop rotations (i.e., continuous corn and corn-soybean), with increased N uptake following soybean crops due to the increased soil mineral N availability by mineralization of soybean residue compared to corn residue. The WCCs can reduce N leaching where baseline NO₃-N loads are high in well-drained soils and/or when residual and mineralized N availability is high due to the cropping practices. The findings suggested that WCC implementation plans should be established in watersheds according to local edaphic and agronomic characteristics for reducing N leaching.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:37:35 AEST ]]> Assimilation of GRACE Follow‐On Inter‐Satellite Laser Ranging Measurements Into Land Surface Models /manager/Repository/uon:51446 Wed 06 Sep 2023 10:21:03 AEST ]]> Novel Along-Track Processing of GRACE Follow-On Laser Ranging Measurements Found Abrupt Water Storage Increase and Land Subsidence During the 2021 March Australian Flooding /manager/Repository/uon:44039 Wed 05 Oct 2022 15:26:03 AEDT ]]> Impact of random and periodic surface roughness on P- and L-band radiometry /manager/Repository/uon:46732 Tue 29 Nov 2022 13:12:29 AEDT ]]> Seasonal drivers of geographically isolated wetland hydrology in a low-gradient, coastal plain landscape /manager/Repository/uon:46709 Tue 29 Nov 2022 11:36:38 AEDT ]]> Mapping landscape-level hydrological connectivity of headwater wetlands to downstream waters: a geospatial modeling approach: Part 1 /manager/Repository/uon:47612 Tue 24 Jan 2023 11:35:47 AEDT ]]> A decadal record of soil moisture space–time variability over a south-east Australian catchment /manager/Repository/uon:50460 Tue 20 Aug 2024 12:22:36 AEST ]]> Remote sensing's role in improving transboundary water regulation and compliance: The Murray-Darling Basin, Australia /manager/Repository/uon:44358 Tue 11 Oct 2022 19:49:30 AEDT ]]> Uncertainty assessment of multi-parameter, multi-GCM, and multi-RCP simulations for streamflow and non-floodplain wetland (NFW) water storage /manager/Repository/uon:43845 Tue 04 Oct 2022 11:53:31 AEDT ]]> On the use of GRACE normal equation of intersatellite tracking data for improved estimation of soil moisture and groundwater in Australia /manager/Repository/uon:34990 Tue 03 Sep 2019 18:01:47 AEST ]]> Assessing the suitability of the Soil Vulnerability Index (SVI) on identifying croplands vulnerable to nitrogen loss using the SWAT model /manager/Repository/uon:33126 Tue 03 Sep 2019 18:00:23 AEST ]]> Soil moisture profile estimation under bare and vegetated soils using combined L-band and P-band radiometer observations: An incoherent modeling approach /manager/Repository/uon:55847 Tue 02 Jul 2024 11:40:56 AEST ]]> Improved water storage estimates within the North China Plain by assimilating GRACE data into the CABLE model /manager/Repository/uon:39939 in-situ groundwater level data in the NCP. Compared to the model computation, there was a significant improvement in terms of cross correlation, on average, from 0.12 (before assimilation) to 0.54 (after assimilation). This study demonstrates the effectiveness of GRACE data assimilation toward reliable estimation of ground water storage variation in the NCP, and its promise to quantify the potential implication of water supply from the South-to-North Water Transfer Project within the NCP.]]> Thu 30 Jun 2022 13:40:45 AEST ]]> Improved detection of inundation below the forest canopy using normalized LiDAR intensity data /manager/Repository/uon:39935 Thu 30 Jun 2022 13:26:31 AEST ]]> Inclusion of riparian wetland module (RWM) into the SWAT model for assessment of wetland hydrological benefit /manager/Repository/uon:43574 Thu 29 Sep 2022 08:50:44 AEST ]]> Towards soil moisture profile estimation in the root zone using L- and P-band radiometer observations: A coherent modelling approach /manager/Repository/uon:52088 Thu 28 Sep 2023 14:22:19 AEST ]]> IPEAT+: a built-in optimization and automatic calibration tool of SWAT+ /manager/Repository/uon:45149 Thu 27 Oct 2022 14:34:48 AEDT ]]> Comparative analyses of hydrological responses of two adjacent watersheds to climate variability and change using the SWAT model /manager/Repository/uon:34986 −1 in nitrate yield relative to the watershed with a lower percent of croplands as a result of increased export of nitrate derived from fertilizer. The watershed dominated by poorly drained soils showed increased nitrate removal due do enhanced denitrification compared to the watershed dominated by well-drained soils. Our findings suggest that increased implementation of conservation practices would be necessary for this region to mitigate increased nitrate loads associated with predicted changes in future climate.]]> Thu 21 Oct 2021 12:52:06 AEDT ]]> Impacts of Global Circulation Model (GCM) bias and WXGEN on modeling hydrologic variables /manager/Repository/uon:34926 Thu 21 Oct 2021 12:45:56 AEDT ]]> Multivariate data assimilation of GRACE, SMOS, SMAP measurements for improved regional soil moisture and groundwater storage estimates /manager/Repository/uon:40976 Thu 21 Jul 2022 08:52:16 AEST ]]> Improving model prediction reliability through enhanced representation of wetland soil processes and constrained model auto calibration - a paired watershed study /manager/Repository/uon:29713 3 cycling in soils with various degrees of water holding capacity. The new calibration tool has the capacity to calibrate paired watersheds simultaneously within a single framework. It was found that when both proposed methodologies were applied jointly to two paired watersheds on the Delmarva Peninsula, the performance of the models as judged based on conventional metrics suffered, however, the intra-watershed responses (e.g., mass of NO3 lost to denitrification) in the two models automatically converged to realistic sums. This approach also demonstrates the capacity to spatially distinguish areas of high denitrification potential, an ability that has implications for improved management of prior converted wetlands under crop production and for identifying prominent areas for wetland restoration.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:33:26 AEDT ]]> Monitoring of wetland inundation dynamics in the Delmarva Peninsula using Landsat time-series imagery from 1985 to 2011 /manager/Repository/uon:31073 p < 0.01, whereas inundation changes in inland wetland areas were in part driven by precipitation with r2 values of 25–34% and p < 0.08. Because an up-to-date archive of Landsat imagery is globally available and LiDAR data are becoming increasingly more affordable, the developed framework can be easily implemented to generate a continuous inundation record in many regions of the globe to assist in ongoing and future studies focused on wetland hydrology and wetland management.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:25:35 AEDT ]]> Spatial calibration and uncertainty reduction of the SWAT model using multiple remotely sensed data /manager/Repository/uon:55795 Sat 22 Jun 2024 12:47:38 AEST ]]> Evaluation of the tau-omega model over bare and wheat-covered flat and periodic soil surfaces at P- and L-band /manager/Repository/uon:48229 Sat 11 Mar 2023 12:44:06 AEDT ]]> Toward p-band passive microwave sensing of soil moisture /manager/Repository/uon:43599 3 /m 3 target accuracy, limiting its applicability. Consequently, a longer wavelength radiometer is being explored as a potential solution for measuring soil moisture in a deeper surface layer of soil and under denser vegetation. It is expected that P-band ( wavelength of 40 cm and frequency of 750 MHz) could potentially provide soil moisture information for the top ~10-cm layer of soil, being one-tenth to one-quarter of the wavelength. In addition, P-band is expected to have higher soil moisture retrieval accuracy due to its reduced sensitivity to vegetation water content and surface roughness. To demonstrate the potential of P-band passive microwave soil moisture remote sensing, a short-term airborne field experiment was conducted over a center pivot irrigated farm at Cressy in Tasmania, Australia, in January 2017. First results showing a comparison of airborne P-band brightness temperature observations against airborne L-band brightness temperature observations and ground soil moisture measurements are presented. The P-band brightness temperature was found to have a similar but stronger response to soil moisture compared to L-band.]]> Mon 26 Sep 2022 15:19:44 AEST ]]> Monitoring irrigation water use over paddock scales using climate data and landsat observations /manager/Repository/uon:35017 c) based on multiple published relationships. These are combined through the FAO56 methodology using gridded rainfall and two gridded reference evapotranspiration (ETo) products to estimate actual evapotranspiration, providing six Kc - ETo combinations which are then compared to actual/recorded irrigation volumes from test sites. The method was tested over an almond farm, two vineyards and a cotton field; in addition to Goulburn-Murray Water’s (GMW) individual farm scale sites with unknown crops, all located within Australia. The developed approach provided estimated irrigation volumes that closely matched measured data for almond and cotton farms, while vineyards returned less accurate results due to localised management techniques that do not agree with land management assumptions made. The results from GMW showed some indication of the irrigation water use, although more details of the site being assessed needs to be available (i.e. crop type and extent). This study demonstrates the ability of certain remote sensing Kc relationships for sensing irrigation water use and shows the potential applications of the developed approach in monitoring irrigation over paddock scale environments.]]> Mon 26 Jun 2023 14:59:03 AEST ]]> Quantifying irrigation water use with remote sensing: Soil water deficit modelling with uncertain soil parameters /manager/Repository/uon:44818 Mon 24 Oct 2022 09:38:29 AEDT ]]> Towards multi-frequency soil moisture retrieval using P- and L-band passive microwave sensing technology /manager/Repository/uon:35165 Mon 24 Jun 2019 14:05:07 AEST ]]> Soil Moisture Retrieval Depth of P- and L-Band Radiometry: Predictions and Observations /manager/Repository/uon:49562 Mon 22 May 2023 09:13:02 AEST ]]> Towards soil moisture retrieval using tower-based P-band radiometer observations /manager/Repository/uon:35175 Mon 20 Nov 2023 15:46:42 AEDT ]]> LiDAR derived terrain wetness indices to infer soil moisture above underground pipelines /manager/Repository/uon:40789 Mon 18 Jul 2022 16:14:14 AEST ]]> A Comparison of Passive Microwave Emission Models for Estimating Brightness Temperature at L- and P-Bands under Bare and Vegetated Soil Conditions /manager/Repository/uon:55679 Mon 17 Jun 2024 10:19:34 AEST ]]> Mapping landscape-level hydrological connectivity of headwater wetlands to downstream waters: a catchment modeling approach: Part 2 /manager/Repository/uon:37051 Mon 10 Aug 2020 11:59:15 AEST ]]> Comparing remote sensing and tabulated crop coefficients to assess irrigation water use /manager/Repository/uon:49251 Mon 08 May 2023 10:42:38 AEST ]]> Use of multiple modules and Bayesian Model Averaging to assess structural uncertainty of catchment-scale wetland modeling in a Coastal Plain landscape /manager/Repository/uon:41258 Mon 01 Aug 2022 09:00:36 AEST ]]> GRACE Follow-On revealed Bangladesh was flooded early in the 2020 monsoon season due to premature soil saturation /manager/Repository/uon:39721 Fri 17 Jun 2022 17:38:04 AEST ]]>